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  • What is e-Fapiao?

    E-Fapiao is a type of fapiao in electronic form, which contains fapiao code, issuance party and amount, etc. The printed e-Fapiao is equivalent to the conventional paper fapiao as supervised by tax bureaus. Moreover, e-Fapiao is easy to be stored, searched and found.

  • How to obtain e-Fapiao?

    Below are two ways to obtain an e-Fapiao. Once generated, the Starbucks e-Fapiao system will automatically send an e-Fapiao to the email you provided. Please refer to for more information.

    1. Scan QR code: you will firstly scan the QR code printed on your payment receipt by using Alipay, Wechat or other apps which can scan QR code on your smart phone. Then you will be requested to input information for fapiao issuance.

      Input fapiao title and email
      Download fapiao
    2. Input extraction code: You will firstly login You will then need to follow the steps based on the instructions provided.

      Inut extraction code
      Input fapiao title and email
      Download fapiao
  • Can e-Fapiao be used for reimbursement?

    Yes. E-Fapiao is a valid voucher for reimbursement as approved by the State Administration of Taxation. The printed e-Fapiao is of the same effectiveness and usage as the conventional paper fapiao.

  • How do I print e-Fapiao?

    After you receive the e-Fapiao by email, e-Fapiao can be printed on A4 paper through regular printers. If you encounter problems like the e-Fapiao cannot be printed with frame, please setup print option Comments&Forms as Document and Markups.

  • How to verify whether e-Fapiao is authentic?

    Once e-Fapiao is downloaded, you can verify its authenticity on e-Fapiao search platform provided by the related local tax bureaus through inputting the required verification information.

  • If I input wrong fapiao information, how can I re-issue e-Fapiao?

    To re-issue e-Fapiao, you can either go back to the store you visited or call our service hotline. You will need to provide the original e-Fapiao information and the correct fapiao information (e.g. recipient and email address). Starbucks will cancel the original e-Fapiao and send the revised one to your email.

  • Can I freely choose certain contents for issuing e-Fapiao, such as choose “catering services” for goods purchase?

    No. Pursuant to the related tax rules, the items shown on the fapiao should always be consistent with the actual goods and services. So, there is no flexibility in choosing the items of goods or services on e-Fapiao.

  • 1. 星礼卡是什么?(这里指2014/12/29开始销售的星礼卡)


  • 2. 星礼卡是否是记名卡?


  • 3. 星礼卡有有效期吗?

    星礼卡的有效期可自行通过以下渠道了解: 网站或在星巴克App中点击:我的-我的客服,获得帮助。

  • 4. 卡片过期后怎么办?


  • 5. 如何购买星礼卡?


  • 6. 购买时需要提供个人身份信息吗?


  • 7. 星礼卡购买后就可以直接使用吗?


  • 8. 我是否可以将在星巴克App中购买的星礼卡转赠给我的朋友?


  • 9. 购买星礼卡有哪些付款方式?


  • 10. 购买星礼卡需要签合同吗?


  • 12. 星礼卡能购买会员星礼包吗?


  • 13. 星礼卡可以充值吗?


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